La Feria Española

For a good chunk of my college career, I lived in Seville, Spain. While living there, I had the privilege of experiencing La Feria de Abril, or in English, April Fair. La Feria is a cultural event for many Sevillanos; with many dressing up in their best suits and flamenco dresses to drink the night away in their casettas (tents).

For this project, I created a wine brand based on La Feria as my inspiration. I used the designs of many of the casettas to serve as my guide for these labels. The drinks I have listed are the famous Spanish wines Sangria, Tinto de Verano (Summer Wine), and Kalimotxo (Coke and wine). In creating this project, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw out every design by hand from the logo to the labels.


The Women's Advocacy Center